Studio Sessions
Studio session ...
Enjoy a studio session at Claire's base, nr Dalton Piercy. Claire creates bespoke sessions in the studio to help you unravel your own movement patterns, enabling you to be a fitter, stronger and more stable rider. You go home with exercises that are easy to fit into your daily activities both at home, work or the stables before you ride.
As well as being a Accredited BHS coach and drawing from her vast knowledge of riders, Claire is also a mat and reformer Pilates teacher, Personal trainer and Advanced Equipilates Biomechanics Coach. Little and often is the key, whether you have 5 mins a day or 15-20 mins two to three times a week.
Enjoy a session with a friend. Keep each other accountable. Click the Book Duet button.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a specific question please drop an email to claire@bluehousepilates.co.uk
What is a Pilates Reformer?
On first impression it looks like a medieval torture machine! The Reformer helps you lengthen and strengthen, improving your balance and flexibility which help you ride better!
What equipment will I need to buy to do the exercises at home?
You will not need any equipment. Most exercises use your own body weight and when you progress to weights, Claire has some clients who popped some tins of beans into a shopping bag!
What if I can't do the exercises?
You will, all the exercises are bespoke for you. No one is compared to anyone else. Start where you need to start ... all you need is the desire to improve!
What should I wear?
You need to be comfortable, so wear comfortable leggings and non-slip socks keep you safe on the equipment.
Limited spaces available
“A fascinating, revealing and very productive afternoon for Sam & I each having a session on ‘Blackberry’ the mechanical horse with Claire Dryden. Very useful exercises to do as follow up and a complete change in my riding from beginning to end of the session”
“Thank you for a fabulous session today. Lots to work on and exercises to help my development in the saddle.”