2018 Equipilates™
'Inspirational Teacher Award" Winner
Claire has over 30 years experience as a rider, competitor and coach. Having dabbled in all disciplines of horse riding, dressage became an early favourite, for Claire, who trained extensively with Lady Joicey, Stephen Clarke and Michel Assoline.
Successfully competing at Prix St George and on the way to Grand Prix, a serious life threatening injury curtailed Claire's riding career for a number of years. After several attempts to start riding again, Sarah Payne recommended Claire try Pilates to help with the physical weaknesses that were proving problematic.
Claire has found Equipilates™ which has proved to be the 'missing link' that has enabled her to ride again, and also to achieve so much more as a trainer. With pupils delivering successful results at Pony Club Championships and BD Home Internationals, Claire has proven how effective Equipilates™ has been at revolutionising her coaching practice.
A BHS Level 4 in Complete Horsemanship and BD List 4 dressage judge, Claire works with riders from all backgrounds and runs clinics and workshops across the North East. Pupils include children, grass roots as well as elite athletes.
Through this work you will be able to improve functional strength, flexibility, elegance and balance to enhance your life and for those who enjoy the passion of riding, for the benefit and welfare of your horse.
Now is the perfect time to make that commitment to yourself & your horse.

Blue House Pilates

“Claire always goes the extra mile and gives her clients 150% - she is a pleasure to work with”
Blue House Pilates

“She knows what it is like to have been injured and overcoming the problems that it leaves you with both mentally and physically ”
Blue House Pilates

“Over the last year I have seen a great improvement in my horse and myself. Working from the ground on my own position and control has made a huge difference. I can't thank her enough”